Homeopathy in Pregnancy and Childbirth
If you are pregnant right now, you are probably having quite an exciting time. You will hopefully feel very well indeed, especially during the middle months. For some women, however, it can be a time of certain health problems, either physical or emotional, or both.
If you need help during pregnancy, let homeopathy assist you in regaining your well-being. Some of the more common conditions such as morning sickness, general nausea, vomiting, headache, insomnia, backache, fatigue, digestive disturbances or haemorrhoids usually respond well to homeopathic medicine. The remedies will also help balance your emotional state, if need be.
Are homeopathic remedies safe during pregnancy?
Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted substances drawn from the plant, mineral and animal kingdom. They work by gently boosting the natural energy of the body and are very safe during pregnancy, provided they are prescribed by a qualified homeopath. There is no danger of addiction or toxicity.
Homeopathy before, during and after childbirth
If your baby is overdue, homeopathic remedies may help you to go into labour naturally, thus avoiding the need to be induced in hospital. Remedies can also deal with fear or anxiety that may be present before the big event.
Many homeopathic remedies can be used very successfully during childbirth. If parents wish they can avail of a tutorial and learn how to use homeopathic remedies during labour. This often lessens the need for medical interventions. With a small remedy kit you can make a real difference to your childbirth experience.
After your baby is born, homeopathy can help you in many ways: to speed up your own healing, help with breastfeeding problems like sore nipples, mastitis, an under- or over-supply of milk, or help with post-natal depression after birth.
For this wonderful but sometimes difficult time in your life when you are expecting a baby, homeopathy can truly be a blessing!
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I offer consultations in my clinic for my local clients, but also online appointments for clients anywhere in the world
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