Homeopathic remedies for Babies and Children

Homeopathy is a wonderful treatment option for children. Children often have a strong vitality and bounce back from acute illness without any problems. However, there are those whose immunity doesn’t seem to be as strong as it should be and who seem to go from one illness into the next. ​

A natural way to improve your child’s immunity

For children who suffer frequent infections, for example of the chest, throat or ear, homeopathy is an ideal form of treatment. Its gentle and non-toxic medicines will help children to get back to their own healthy selves, strengthening their immune system in such a way that illnesses usually become much less frequent. If you book your child in for homeopathic treatment you should see a good improvement in their immunity within a few months.

Which conditions are commonly treated?

The childhood ailments that can be treated effectively by homeopathy are numerous. Colic and digestive problems in babies, recurring ear, nose, throat and lung problems, eczema and other skin conditions, urinary tract infections or asthma would all be typical examples. If conditions like asthma and eczema are treated early on before strong medication is being used, there is a good chance of the child recovering completely.

Children’s emotional health and behaviour

When it comes to children’s mental and emotional well-being, many parents wouldn’t be without homeopathy. Children with developmental and behavioural disorders can benefit greatly from this therapy.

Here are the cases of four children, all of whom were helped by homeopathy: Maybe your child is like Luke, an over-anxious child who found it hard to sleep before an exam or a test at school. He also worried a lot in general and was not able to relax easily.

Or like Hazel, a three-year old who found the transition from home to playschool very difficult and became extremely clingy as a result.

Perhaps poor concentration at school is an issue in your family, as in the case of Robin who had been diagnosed with ADHD. He was unable to sit still in the classroom, or anywhere else for that matter. Children like Robin can run into many problems, and the earlier this difficulty is addressed the easier it generally is to correct it.

Then there was Amy who was afraid of many things. She also seemed to have quite low self-esteem and found it sometimes hard to go to sleep at night.

They each needed their own, uniquely tailored remedy, and family life became a little easier again!

There are many more examples, of course. Children with developmental delays, learning disabilities or those on the autistic spectrum can all benefit from homeopathy and reach their individual potential.

And the best thing: children love those little sweet pills because they don’t have a strong or bitter flavour. I have not seen many who refused to take their medicine!

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I offer consultations in my clinic for my local clients, but also online appointments for clients anywhere in the world

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Take a FREE 15 minute information call where you can find out more and ask me questions. The decision to then book an appointment is entirely yours.